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There's so much we can learn from the lives and stories of those who lived in the Old Testament. In this five-week series, we'll look at some of the best know scoundrels and villains, but also one very wise lady to gain insights

for how we can live Godly in our culture today. 

We gather each Sunday for our church service at 10:00am to worship our Lord, learn from God's Word, and encourage one another to live for Him.  For those who cannot join us in person, we live-stream our service at 10:00am on the Church Center app or our Facebook page

Upcoming Events

Come celebrate the beginning of summer with roller skating and ice cream! May 31st 6:00-8:30pm. Open for kids EXITING kindergarten-5th grade. Register here

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Core Values

Holding Hands

Encourage Community

Grace Church exists to encourage people to walk in community with other believers. 

church service
Embrace Community

Grace Church exists to embrace community through worship and biblical teaching.

Engage Community

Grace Church exists to engage with  local and global communities and partner ministries. 


Submit your prayer requests here.
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